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We want to be built into the holy temple of God.

Are You Divisive

February 24, 2019
Are you connected to others and helping them connect or are you disconnected and disconnecting others?
How did the early church conceive unity?

We Are Already One

February 10, 2019
Unity, according to the Bible, is not something we have to achieve so much as it is something already achieved.  
Christians need to learn to love Christ’s church.  This is especially true even when the church is not what it should be.  

Why Unity? Why the Church?

January 27, 2019
Jesus prayed that we would be one with each other.  Why is that necessary?  Why do we need the church?

Jonah and the Ninevites

January 20, 2019
The story of Jonah ends abruptly and invites us to draw our own conclusions about what happened next.  It also invites us to think about where we want to take our own stories.  Do…

Jonah’s Prayer

January 13, 2019
Forced to confront his disobedience and God's anger, Jonah showed contrition.  But how much and for how long?

Jonah’s Call

January 6, 2019
Jonah was a prophet called by God who did his best to refuse his call.  God gave him a message of grace that Jonah did not  want to pass on.  Yet…
The magi came from far away and with little understanding and yet they worshiped the King.  What can we learn from them?
The birth of Jesus reveals the heart and humility of God.  


December 16, 2018
We don't talk a lot about Joseph, but he had a very difficult job, a job of forgiveness and letting go.  God used him in a powerful way.


December 9, 2018
God (honored) (used) a poor, young woman to bring salvation to the world.  What does this tell us?
God used humble but faithful people to bring forth His great work of salvation.  He still does.  

Give Thanks

November 25, 2018
Giving thanks to God is frequently commanded in both the Old and New Testaments.  Giving thanks teaches us to see the beauty of this world and the beauty of life.  It changes and enhances…

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Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.