The Birth of Moses

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April 8, 2018

Bible Text: Exodus 2:1-10 |


God used the courage and faith of ordinary individuals to bring about the rescue of His people.
The Birth of Moses2018-06-11T10:10:30-06:00

Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life

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April 1, 2018

Bible Text: John 11:38-44 |


The last and greatest of the signs reveals God's power and the hope we all share in God's future.  
Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life2018-06-11T10:10:30-06:00

A Man Born Blind Receives Sight

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March 25, 2018

Bible Text: John 9:1-12 |


Jesus is the Light of the world. If we want to learn to truly see, we need to let Jesus open our
A Man Born Blind Receives Sight2018-06-11T10:10:30-06:00

Walking on the Water

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March 18, 2018

Bible Text: John 6:16-25 |


How often we seek to do things in our own way and through our own strength.  How tiring it is to do
Walking on the Water2018-06-11T10:10:30-06:00

Feeding the Five Thousand

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March 11, 2018

Bible Text: John 6:1-15 |


When we seek His Kingdom, God provides. When we give our gifts to Jesus, however small they might be, they can become a
Feeding the Five Thousand2018-06-11T10:10:31-06:00

Healing the Official’s Son

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February 25, 2018

Bible Text: John 4:43-54 |


Here is an act of God's grace, pure and simple.  Received by faith, God's grace changed everything.
Healing the Official’s Son2018-06-11T10:10:31-06:00

The Dynamism of Discipleship

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February 11, 2018

Bible Text: Matthew 28:16-20 |


Let us go make disciples of all the nations.  We need to be disciples, too, learning about Jesus and modeling our lives
The Dynamism of Discipleship2018-06-11T10:10:31-06:00

Loving God With An Undivided Heart

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February 4, 2018

Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 |


God loves us just as we are, but He loves us enough not to let us stay that way.  We believe in
Loving God With An Undivided Heart2018-06-11T10:10:31-06:00

Faithfully Engaging the Scriptures

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January 21, 2018

Bible Text: 2 Timothy 3:10-17 |


God reveals himself in different ways, but preeminently through the Bible.
Faithfully Engaging the Scriptures2018-06-11T10:10:31-06:00

When Jesus Is Lord

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January 14, 2018

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 |


Our hope lies in the confidence we have in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
When Jesus Is Lord2018-06-11T10:10:31-06:00

Way Forward Presentation

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January 14, 2018

Bible Text: |


Informational presentation regarding changes coming to our denomination.
Way Forward Presentation2018-06-11T10:10:32-06:00

God With Us

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January 7, 2018

Bible Text: 2 Timothy 4:1-8 |


We are not just called to salvation but to a transforming relationship with God.
God With Us2018-06-11T10:10:32-06:00

Hope of the Kingdom

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December 31, 2017

Bible Text: Revelation 22:1-7 |


Hope of the Kingdom2018-06-11T10:10:32-06:00

Hope in Suffering

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December 24, 2017

Bible Text: Job 19:23-27 |


Even in the midst of suffering, we have a Redeemer who lives and who makes all the difference.
Hope in Suffering2018-06-11T10:10:32-06:00

Hope for a New Beginning

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December 17, 2017

Bible Text: Lamentations 3:21-33 |


Even in the midst of loss, death and destruction there is a hope that we have in our Lord.
Hope for a New Beginning2018-06-11T10:10:32-06:00
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