UMCOR COVID-19 Response Fund
March 1, 2022 - March 31, 2022
COVID-19 presents challenges to every person and community, but some are less prepared than others. As restrictions limiting employment, economic activity, and physical gathering have spread around the world, communities which live at subsistence levels have no safety net and their governments have little capacity to respond to the challenges.
In recent weeks, there have been desperate requests for assistance from pastors serving in Africa and the Philippines whose churches, like so many around the world, have not met for several weeks. These churches likely will not be meeting for a season. These pastors as well as their people, because of the financial impact of quarantines, are immediately dealing with food insecurity.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has established the COVID-19 response fund for the purpose of responding to the challenges presented by this pandemic. This fund will equip partners around the world to assist the most vulnerable populations. Grants from the fund will be disbursed quickly and efficiently to address health concerns, food insecurity, water and hygiene limitations, and other pressing needs.
You can respond to these pressing needs by making a gift to the UMCOR COVID-19 response fund. Your gift will be a tangible expression of the love Christ has for the most vulnerable who do not have a safety net and need compassion and care as a result of the pandemic.
How can you give? You can give by writing a check to our church and marking it UMCOR COVID 19 response. You can mail or deliver it to our church. We are also working to allow you to give to this cause through our website. That ability should be available soon. Whichever way you give, remember, when you give through UMCOR, 100% of your gift gets there. Administrative costs are picked up elsewhere.